Sunday, October 26, 2014

Book Of Mormon Powerful Tool For Coming Closer To God

Hello family! (10-20-14 Email)

How are you all? I am glad to hear that you are all having such a nice time in Texas. It sounds like everything is going great! I hope you all enjoy the time you get to have together and that you travel safely!

This week was good! We kept pretty busy with a bunch of random things to do. On Tuesday we had a district meeting and I gave a training on the importance of using the Book of Mormon while teaching. It was a great reminder to me and was a great testimony builder for me as I prepared and shared it. The Book of Mormon really is such a powerful tool to help ourselves and others to come closer to God. It was a really inspiring district meeting!

We have been meeting lots of people on the streets and things like that, but it seems like we can never find them again for a follow-up appointment. Hopefully this week things change around for us in that. They seem so great when we meet them, but then we find out that they gave us a fake name/phone number/address or all three fake. Haha it has been happening surprisingly a lot this transfer. Or else they just hide from us and turn off the lights and pretend they aren't home. Haha that's okay though, sifting the wheat from the tares! I just am ready to get to work though with some people who are actually ready and prepared to receive and act on the message.

We are doing good work with the Valdez's though. They are progressing nicely, and I think started working on the divorce this week! They are doing pretty good about reading the Book of Mormon, especially Ellen, and she really sees the blessings from it and is excited about what she is learning. We were a bit disappointed though when they called us on Friday morning and cancelled the temple trip we had planned for weeks and taught them about. So we started calling any sort of investigator/less active/ recent convert we could think of until we found someone that could go with us that night. We were able to find someone last minute! It was a miracle. 

At dinner that night all of our district thought we had great plans but they were all about to fall through, but one by one they were fixed and we all had miracles! It was great. So we went to the temple with Andrew (RC/LA) and his brother Brian (RC of a few years) and this cute lady in our ward who wanted to come with us, Hna R. It was such a great experience! It was so fun to be able to go farther out of the mission and see much more of Arizona. (I hadn't seen skyscrapers or city traffic for over a year! It was crazy! And we got to see the state fair all lit up and all sorts of stuff haha little things that get missionaries excited). 

The temple was absolutely beautiful. Much smaller than the Gilbert temple and a little less extravagant, but still beautiful. There were lots of people there and it felt so special to be inside. The baptistery was gorgeous and the paintings were amazing. I like some of the new features they are putting in the new temples.

So we got transfer news on Saturday! We are losing Hna Taboada from our companionship :( but she will still be in the same ward/our roommate! Hna Leon is leaving, so she will take Hna Leon's place with Hna Greene. So me and Hna Brons will stay here! That will be 4 transfers together! It's hard to believe that this is my last transfer. This transfer has gone by so fast. This week has been a big goodbye for Hna Leon and it's sad to say goodbye to her and everyone else. And it's so weird to think that it will be me in 6 weeks. I'm not ready for that... But I just want to do all that I can with the time I have left. I want to work hard and be the best missionary that I can! I know the Lord has miracles in store! I am so happy that I am a missionary! Nothing in the world makes me happier!

I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Con Amor,
Hermana Haynes

Temple open house booties!

The district

And more puppies!

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